Friday, 13 January 2017



With age, lack of sleep, and exposure to toxins (environmental, alcohol, smoking, etc.) comes a decrease in brain function. These events kill brain cells and slow cell signaling, causing memory to decline and focus to become hazy.
Cellusyn Neuro-HD prevents reduced brain function from dominating your life. NATURAL compounds such as choline, theanine, and Alpha GPC support neurotransmitter release and strengthen brain cell signals. Neuro-HD supports a sharper memory, greater focus and concentration, higher alertness, and improved mood for daily, effective cognition support.......


Years of clinical research and patient trials have concluded that, yes, there are certain natural herbs and cognitive enhancing compounds that stimulate the brain and enhance intelligence. While there is no one product that works for everyone, has combined the most effective compounds in the three top selling brain supplements. The TOP SELLERkit provides the most clinically proven and powerful combination of brain-enhancing compounds available in one place at one low price. This highly rated supplement pack is specifically engineered to heighten concentration, sharpen focus, enhance cognitive processing, increase alertness, and improve intelligence.
The three supplements in the Top Sellers Kit are so effective that we offer a 90-day 100% money-back guarantee in the rare case that you are unsatisfied with your results. Try the Top Sellers Pack today and experience the difference heightened intelligence can make in your life.


The Top Sellers Kit makes it possible for you to experience the three best-selling BRAIN HEALTH SUPLLEMENT without paying the full price. By combining the three products in one pack, you can experience the best of the best at one low price. You can find which product/combination works best for you, saving you both time and money. If you’re not satisfied with your results, simple return your bottles within 90 days for a full refund!.......


Aging, drinking, smoking, lack of sleep, stress, anxiety, and even living in a cold climate can all decrease cognitive function. These factors slow cell signaling, cause neuronal cell death, and result in poor brian function. It can make it difficult to remember IMPORTANT facts, to solve even simple problems, and to remain alert throughout the day.
CerebralCharge is a brain support supplement that contains neurotransmitter precurosors and nutrients clinically proven to sharpen mental acuity, prevent brain cell destructions, and enhance key brain signaling systems.
Unlike other options, CerebralCharge is composed of safe, all-natural ingredients proven to produce results. CerebralCharge is the effective, affordable option to enhance cognition NATURALLY.


Dr. Feel Good by S.A.N. is a high potency, high performance multivitamin with a complete vitamin and mineral formula for optimal health, mood, and vitality. Dr. Feel Good supports the thousands of chemical reactions occurring in your body for healthy enzymatic reactions, metabolism, and body function.
Dr. Feel Good goes above and beyond your every day multi­vitamin and include natural herbal extracts to reduce free radical damage, detoxify the liver,ENHANCE BRAIN cognition, and improve overall feelings of well­being. Dr. Feel Good provides ALL the vital nutrients you need for healthy brain cognition, muscle recovery, and positive mood.


The Dr. Feel Good formula features 3 key complexes ­ the Elite VitaAktive Multivitamin and Mineral Complex, the Free Radical Scavenging and Liver Tonic Complex, and the Brain Cognitive and Feel Good Complex.
Multi­Vitamins and Minerals -­ Dr. Feel Good offers a complete, high­potency vitamin and mineral complex to provide your daily supply of essential nutrients. These nutrients support the thousands of chemicals reactions that occur daily and keep your body strong. Dr. Feel Good’s vitamins and mineral help fight against infection, maintain healthy energy levels, and promote feelings of well-being.
Green Tea ­- Green Tea is a multi­purpose compound. This herbal extract contains a high concentration of antioxidants to neutralize free radicals and prevent free radical damage. Green Tea also contains caffeine, a central nervous stimulant that promotes adrenaline release for enhanced focus, cognition, and energy levels.
Milk Thistle -­ Milk thistle is a plant commonly used to make medicine for liver disorders. Milk thistle protects liver cells from toxic chemicals and drugs via its antioxidant and anti­inflammatory effects.
N­Acetyl Cysteine -­ This amino acid is used to counteract acetaminophen (Tylenol) and carbon monoxide poisoning by binding to poisonous toxins that are formed in the liver. N­Acetyl Cysteine is also an antioxidant that prevents free radical damage caused by dangerous toxin
N­Acetyl Tyrosine ­- The body uses tyrosine to produce chemical messengers that are involved in conditions involving the brain, including mental alertness, focus, thinking, and concentration. N-Acetyl Tyrosine can also be used to help prevent cognitive fatigue, resulting in higher energy levels.
Bacopa Monnieri -­ This  NATURAL herb has been shown in randomized, controlled clinical trials to improve speed of visual information processing, memory consolidation, and learning rate while simultaneously decreasing anxiety and stress. Bacopa monnieri can significantly enhance cognitive function in healthy human subjects.
Phosphatidylcholine (Lecithin) -­ Lecithin is made it the body and is an IMPORTANT chemical with widespread function. It is part of the cell structure and is key in the maintenance of cellular function in the brain. It is used for age­related decline in mental function and struggling young people to improve thinking, stress/anxiety levels, and attention span.
Ginkgo Biloba -­ Ginkgo biloba provides two main benefits to the human brain. First, ginkgo safely increases blood flow to the brain, improving cognition via a boost in memory and concentration. Second, ginkgo acts as a free radical to prevent neuronal cell death related to reduced mental capacity.
Rhodiola Rosea Extract
-­ This herbal extract can reduce general fatigue under stressful conditions, enhancing mood and mental processing despite lack of sleep. Rhodiola rosea improves fatigue­related declines in mood and cognition.


Who Can Use Dr. Feel Good?
Dr. Feel Good is intended for healthy adults over the age of 18. Those with gout or liver disease should avoid taking high doses of niacin. Consult with your doctor before use if you are taking anticoagulant medications.
Are All Compounds in Dr. Feel Good Safe to Use?
Yes, all compounds in Dr. Feel Good have been thoroughly tested for complete safety. All ingredients have been shown to be completely safe for both long­term and SHORT ­term use. Temporary flushing and itching of the skin may occur under rare conditions.
How Should I Take Dr. Feel Good?
For best results, both men and women should take 4­8 tablets daily with food. Keep out of reach of children.
Can I Take Dr. Feel Good with Other Supplements?
Dr. Feel Good is safe to take with most other supplements. Do not take Dr. Feel Good in combination with other multivitamins as vitamin or mineral toxicity may occur. Dr. Feel Good is safe to stack with your favorite bodybuilding and athletic­support supplements.
How Many Servings Are in Each Bottle?
Each bottle contains 112 capsules or up to 28 4­capsule servings



Muscle reps, nutritional support, and multivitamins are IMPORTANT ­ but what’s more important than your brain? The brain is the central hub of all function, and in today’s world, there are so many distractions that make it nearly impossible to focus. Environmental toxins, alcohol consumption, and cigarette smoke exposure all lead to overall mental decline.
Neuro­Max II provides the most active and well researched brain and cognitive enhancing nutrients available. These compounds work in conjunction to benefit memory and cognition via improved oxygen and blood flow delivery. Neuro­Max II contains no common allergens or artificial colors to provide optimal brain function on a daily basis.


All compounds in Neuro­Max II have been found in many double blind clinical trials to provide effective brain and neural function support. These ingredients are 100% NATURAL, safe, and side-effect free.
Niacin -­ Niacin is a water­soluble vitamin that stimulates brain function and promotes blood flow by opening the arteries and veins. This results in greater memory and higher cognitive function.
Phosphatidylserine -­ Phosphatidylserine is a phospholipid membrane component that is key to cell signaling within the brain. This compound, made in the body and found in food, enhances behavioral cognitive parameters, leading to higher focus and concentration.
Ashwagandha -­ Ashwagandha is a plant whose root and berry are used to make medicine. This herb may help calm the brain, reduce swelling and inflammation, and improve immunity. Ashwagandha contains withanone, a compound that protects against cognitive decline induced by toxins.
Ginkgo Biloba ­- Ginkgo biloba, an herb used for memory disorders, improves blood circulation to the brain and increases neurotransmission. Ginkgo biloba has been thoroughly tested and repeatedly proven to enhance cognitive function, resulting in higher memory and greater intelligence.
CDP­Choline -­ Choline is a precursor to acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter essential to memory formation and brain function. Daily intake of choline boosts release of acetylcholine for greater intelligence and mood.
Vinpocetine -­ This plant extract enhances oxygen­rich blood flow to the cerebral cortex, providing neuroprotective effects to the brain. As a nootropic, Vinpocetine provides antioxidant properties to allow blood to flow more easily through narrowed vessels.


How Does Neuro­Max II Work?
Neuro­Max II increases oxygen­rich blood flow to the brain, provides antioxidant support against free radical damage, increases neurotransmitter production, and strengthens cell signaling. As a result, Neuro­Max II IMPROVES MEMORY and mental clarity, helping speed thought processes and speech.
Who Can Use Neuro­Max II?
Neuro­Max II is ideal for all healthy adults over the age of 18 who want to increase memory and cognitive function. Speak with your physician before use if you are taking medication or have a medical condition.
How Should I Use Neuro­Max II?
Take 2 capsules daily with a meal or as directed by your qualified healthcare provider. Do not exceed the daily recommended dosage.
Does Neuro­Max II Cause Side Effects?
The compounds in Neuro­Max II are not known to cause side effects when used as directed. All compounds are 100%NATURAL and safe.
How Long Will Each Bottle of Neuro­Max II Last?
Each bottle contains 60 capsules or 30 2­capsule servings. If used as directed and on a daily basis, each bottle will last a maximum of one month.



The brain is the center of all activity physical, psychological, and physiological. Each day, your brain fires millions of signals that keep your body functioning at peak health. When you are fatigued, over­stimulated, under­nourished, and impaired by toxins such as alcohol, cognitive skills decline, memory becomes poor, and concentration evaporates.
FOKUS by MMUSA is a nootropic designed to enhance blood flow, oxygen flow, and bio­nutrient delivery to your brain to keep you switched on and alert all day long. With FOKUS, you can stay on task, learn and retain more information, think more clearly, and remain alert throughout the day.


The compounds in FOKUS enhance supply and flow of oxygen-­rich blood and bio­nutrients to your brain to keep your mind well fed and keen all day long.
Theobromine -­ Theobromine is a compound similar to caffeine. It acts on the vagus nerve to increase oxygen flow to the brain, promoting long­lasting mental well­being, positive mood, and sustained energy.
Maca Root ­-Maca is an herbal root full of vitamins and nutrients that have been shown to boost energy and mood, decrease anxiety, and support a healthy endocrine system.
Phenylethylamine -­ Phenylethylamine (PEA) is a neurotransmitter similar in function to amphetamine. It triggers mood­boosting beta endorphins, lowering stress and anxiety, sharpening focus, enhancing concentration, and IMPROVE MEMORY recall.
Bacopin -­ Bacopin is extracted from the bacopa monnieri plant and improves higher order cognitive processes such as learning and memory. Bacopin speeds visual processing, learning rate, and memory consolidation.
Caffeine Anhydrous ­- Caffeine is a metabolic stimulant that reduces fatigue, restores alertness, and fights drowsiness. Caffeine stimulates the nervous system to release adrenaline for sharper focus and better memory.
Chocamine -­ Chocamine is taken from cocoa beans and is used to stop proteins from building in the brain and causing nerve damage associated with dementia. In addition to preventing free radical damage, chocamine induces higher serotonin levels for improved mood.
Vinpocetine -­ Vinpocetine, extracted from the periwinkle plant, is a nootropic that increases blood flow to the cerebral cortex. Vinpocetine activates cerebral metabolism to support concentration and memory.
Bioperine -­ Bioperine is a black pepper extract that enhances compound bio­availability. Bioperine ensures maximum absorption and synergistic energy for all compounds in FOKUS, preventing any ingredients from going to waste.
Huperzine A
-­ Huperzine A, extracted from Chinese club moss, increases brain levels of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that increases nerve communication in the brain. Studies have shown that Huperzine A enhances memory and learning, reducing risk of age­related cognitive impairment.


What Benefits Can MMUSA FOKUS Provide?
FOKUS is designed with NATURAL compounds proven toENHANCE BRAIN  function. Benefits include a boost in concentration, memory, cognition, brain energy, motivation, and mental performance.
How Should I Take FOKUS?
As a dietary supplement, adults should take 2 capsules daily with water on an empty stomach or as recommended by your healthcare professional.
How Long Will One Bottle Last?
Each bottle contains 90 capsules or 45 2­capsule servings. This amount can last a minimum of 45 days when used as directed and on a daily basis.
Are All Compounds in FOKUS Safe?
Absolutely. The ingredients in FOKUS have all been individually studied for complete safety and efficacy. The compounds in FOKUS are 100% safe and natural for daily use.
Can Anyone Take FOKUS?
FOKUS is only intended for healthy individuals over the age of 18 years. Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing. Consult a physician or licensed qualified health care professional before use if you are being treated for any medical condition or are taking any medication.



Neuro1 by Nutrition53 is a nootropic that provides 9 essential vitamins and minerals plus 30 proven neuronutrient focus supplements to support longer concentration, better memory, sharper focus, and improved mood. Experience a boost in physical energy and protect brain health.
Neuro1 can be taken at any time of day to wake up your mind, provide energy and clarity, intensify focus, and improve performance. Neuro1 is available in 5 delicious low­ calorie flavors for a brain performance drink everyone will love. Recharge the body and boost your brain daily with Neuro1.


Vitamin B12 -­ Vitamin B12 is involved in the function and development of the brain, nerve cells, the myelin sheaths that protect nerves, and blood cells. A deficiency in this water­soluble vitamin has been shown to lead to smaller brain volume and lower test scores on concentration and memory, making vitamin B12 an essential dietary component for peak brain health.
Selenium -­ Selenium, a mineral found in grains and nuts, is key to one of the body’s antioxidants, glutathione peroxidase. Selenium helps to prevent the polyunsaturated fats in brain cells membranes from becoming damaged. Selenium intake has been linked to less risk of depression, improved mood, and higher test scores.
L­Tyrosine -­ Tyrosine is used within the body to produce chemical messengers (such as neurotransmitters) that are involved in focus, thinking, mental alertness, and concentration. Tyrosine, an amino acid, helps to prevent cognitive fatigue so you can stay energized and alert.
Vinpocetine ­- Vinpocetine, similar to compounds found in the periwinkle plant, is commonly used to enhance memory, prevent Alzheimer’s disease, and reduce risk of conditions that harm learning, memory, and information processing. Vinpocetine increases blood flow to the brain and offers protection for neurons against injury.
Huperzia Serrata -­ This species of clubmoss has a well­known inhibitory effect on AchE, an enzyme responsible for degrading the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is critical in processes underlying learning, memory, and attention. Huperzia has been shown to enhance attention and memory in healthy subjects.
Bacopa Monniera -­ Bacopa monniera is an herb that has been found in controlled clinical trials to significantly improve cognitive function in healthy human subjects. Studies have found that bacopa IMPROVE MEMORY  consolidation, speed of visual information processing, and learning rate while reducing anxiety and stress.
Rhodiola Rosea -­ Rhodiola rosea has been used to strengthen the nervous system, fight depression, enhance immunity, improve memory, and heighten energy levels. This herb increases bioelectrical activity of the brain, improving memory consolidation and concentration ability over prolonged periods.
Alpha GPC -­ Alpha GPC, or glycerol phosphoryl choline, is a chemical released when specific fatty acids are broken down. Alpha GPC is known to increase brain levels of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter responsible for memory and learning functions. Alpha GPC has been shown to IMPROVE MEMORY and cognitive processing when taken daily.
Phosphatidylserine -­ This phospholipid membrane component is critical to cell signaling within the brain. Phosphatidylserine has been found in clinical trials to improve focus and concentration via an improvement in behavioral cognitive parameters.
Alpha­Lipoic Acid -­ Alpha­Lipoic Acid (ALA) is an antioxidant that converts glucose to energy for healthy neuropathy and brain function. ALA prevents free radical damage that can damage brain cells and lead to mental decline, keeping your brain health and function at its peak.


How Do I Take Neuro1?
Mix one scoop into 6­8 ounces of cold water. Take 30­45 minutes before a meal, exercise, or anytime optimum focus and performance will be required. For best results, take 1 scoop in the morning and 1 scoop in the afternoon. Neuro1 can also be mixed with Lean1 to help satisfy your hunger while promoting mental clarity.
Is Neuro1 Safe to Use if I’m on Medication?
Do not use Neuro1 if you are taking prescription medication for high blood pressure or heart problems. Speak with your physician before use if you are taking any other prescription medication or have a pre­existing medical condition.
What Exactly Does Neuro1 Do?
Neuro1 contains vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts, and neuronutrient focus supplements to recharge your body and boost your brain. The formula works to strengthen memory and concentration, sustain energy, focus, and clarity, enhance mood and sense of well­being, reduce stress and provide antioxidant protection.
How Many Servings Are in Each Container?
Each bottle contains approximately 20 scoops.
How Much Caffeine is in Neuro1?
Each serving (1 scoop) of Neuro1 contains as much caffeine as approximately 1 cup of coffee.



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